Other Synthetic Fencing Options

As the vinyl manufacturing process has improved, a plethora of new synthetic fencing materials have appeared. A favorite is SimTek simulated rock fencing. For millennia, humans have loved the look of stone fences but hated the backbreaking process of building one.

SimTek and other synthetic stone fences look almost identical to a real stone fence, especially with the addition of complementary landscaping. Like vinyl fencing, these synthetic stone walls are lightweight, strong and virtually maintenance-free. Synthetic stone products are also available in a variety of colors.

Synthetic lumber products are also available. Resinwood, for instance, is lumber created from recycled plastic, ensuring that it will not deteriorate over time. As with high-quality vinyl fencing, UV stabilizers are included to make sure its vibrant colors stay as bright as they were on the day you installed the fence. Unlike SimTek, Resinwood is not pre-assembled, so you will need to erect the fence yourself.

As contractors shift their focus to environmentally friendly building materials, many are calling for an end to the use of PVC. That’s because PVC is hard on the earth during manufacturing, and it’s difficult to recycle. Consensus has not been reached on the overall impact of PVC on human health; you can learn more about these issues at Wikipedia and other online references.